why did we let him do this


pascals wager is so dumb that it feels like it wouldve stemmed from some shitty pseudo-intellectual internet forum in 2005 but its actually the work of some douche from the 17th century. they should change it so its about getting money from mr beast instead though. he sorta just peruses randos at walmart and if theyre subscribed to his channel he gives them a fucking porche or whatever. if hes in the area scanning for shitty low effort rich guy content its literally more financially viable for you to be subscribed to him than it is to not be. if that isnt the most messed up thing youve ever heard in your entire life then i dont know what to tell you

this is the fate decider. an economical warlock with no time to play games since hes too busy making the rules. statues will be built in his image since the last one to stop worshipping gets $10,000. poetic. the beast hasn't even seen you. and yet there you are. ensnared in his capital calaboose.

UPDATE: what do you mean hes not actually giving random people a billion dollars. that kind of dangerous rhetoric seemingly only comes sputtered from thou which doth not smash divine thy like buttons or strike passionately thy bronze of hasts holy bell.